About Us
Family Focused Eye Doctor
in Rockford Michigan
About Eye Doctor Carl Stites
Carl Stites, OD, received his optometric degree in 1989 from the Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University as well as a BS in visual science from Ferris State.
Dr. Stites has over 20 years of experience caring for patients in Rockford and throughout West Michigan, and personally examines every patient at the office. He has trained at the Duane Waters Hospital, the Battle Creek Veterans Hospital and the Ferris State University Optometric Clinic with an emphasis on pediatrics and ocular disease.
Eye Doctor in Rockford Michigan
He is certified by the Michigan Board of Optometric Examiners in the use of diagnostic and therapeutic pharmaceuticals for the treatment of ocular diseases and infections. Dr. Stites specializes in comprehensive eye care, including pediatric eye care, eye exams, contact lenses, and more. Click here to learn more about the Eye Care available from Dr. Stites.